Search Engine Marketing

SEM, which is the practice of marketing a business using paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages (SERPs). Advertisers bid on keywords that users of services such as Google and Bing might enter when looking for certain products or services, SEM is also alternately referred to as paid search or pay per click (PPC).

Formats of Search Engine Marketing

Paid ads are split into two formats that determine how viewers see them. You can choose between display and search ads for your unique purposes.

Search Ads

Search or text ads show up on search engine results pages, and most blend into the search results, distinguishing themselves by a small message that reads “ad” or “sponsored.” Because text ads are linked to search queries and keywords, they normally fill a need

Display Ads

Display ads appear around content on a variety of website pages rather than on search results pages. To fit into ad spaces, they come in
several sizes and orientations. As a worthwhile brand awareness tool, display ads offer exposure, and their images and text are customizable.

Advanced Process of Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing’s greatest strength is that it offers advertisers the opportunity to put their ads in front of motivated customers who are ready to buy at the precise moment they’re ready to make a purchase. No other advertising medium can do this, which is why search engine marketing is so effective and such an amazingly powerful way to grow your business.


We analyses your business profile and chalk out layout plan.

Keyword Research

The development stage consists of targeting specific audience, keyword research, setting up and group etc.


All the stages planned out for Google Ads by our team is tested for accuracy.


Post testing phase, we launch the plans curated for social media management of your brand.


We are available at your service to answer any queries related to our work.

Pay Per Click Marketing Services

Pay per click (PPC) marketing is a type of online marketing done through platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and Bing. 

You (the advertiser) will only pay for clicks, or when a user clicks through to your desired landing page.  It’s a way of buying traffic to your website vs. earning visitors through organic methods, like SEO.

Comprehensive keyword research

We ensure you appear for the RIGHT searches by completing thorough keyword research up front, monitoring your campaign’s performance closely.

Effective ad creation

We work with you to produce the most effective ads that get high conversions.

Landing page conversion optimization

If need be, we will create a landing page on your site tailored to receive the visitors that have clicked through from your PPC ads. This allows us the freedom to create a page specifically designed to sell.

Split testing and comparison of ads

We’ll set up comparisons to test the effectiveness of different ads. This will allow us to hone our content and presentation.

PPC mini campaigns

Let us target your state, city, or even neighborhood with ads, or set up a small campaign designed to push one specific product or service.

Remarketing campaigns

Reconnect to past site visitors that have shown interest in your product or service. Using a remarketing campaign can help increase return on ad spend while increasing sales or leads.

Proof of ROI through detailed reporting

There are some excellent data tracking tools built into Google Ads, Bing Ads, and other PPC services. We wade through the data and generate a customized PDF report highlighting the most important information.

Extreme customer focus

At Vruksh, we are building a culture of extreme customer focus. ” We believe in owning the voice of our clients and work hard to show it.

Enabling Your Brand’s Success Via Social Media

Social Media Optimization involves finding out what content performs well for your company on social platforms and repeating that success.